
Matthew 7:15-23

In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.

St. Matthew 7:15-16  15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits.

Dear fellow redeemed in Christ our Lord…  Everybody expects the pastor to tell people that it is important to come to church.  And I think you know why it is that you need to be here every week to hear the Gospel.  It’s not to make me happy, although it does; it’s not even to make God happy with you, for He is already pleased with those who are in Christ.  It is important for us to be here in large part because the world is preaching to you a counter-Gospel every single day of the week, and you need to be strengthened and built up and defended against that.

Even if you don’t come to church, you’re still going to hear preaching – just not the preaching of the Gospel.  Worldly philosophies and theologies are being directed at your ears wherever you are: at work, at home, and especially at public schools and universities.  And this is especially true in the world of social media, for there you can pretty much guarantee that you are NOT getting any truth, but instead a boat-load of fake news and anti-Christian and anti-conservative propaganda.  If all you are hearing are the pop-culture sermons of the world, pretty soon you will be led astray from the truth of Christ.  It’s just a fact.

Dear friends, it would be dangerous at best to be naive about this.  Every time you watch a TV show or movie, you’re being preached to.  There will be some immorality, some twisted worldview that is being pushed on you with disarming humor or compelling visual imagery.  Just as a small example, think how many movies have employed the idea of a person’s soul or consciousness moving from one body to another.  Of course, it’s just fiction and entertainment, but over time there is a false theology and a false way of understanding soul and body that is being taught.

Or on another subject, a pastor friend recently remarked that on a popular TV sitcom, the unmarried characters are the ones having sex, and the married ones aren’t.  There’s a not-so-subtle and intensely subversive message being delivered there.  Even the once respected and revered Hallmark channel has sold its soul to the devil and is now endorsing pro-gay and same-sex marriages and relationships in its movies.

So also, when you listen to music or go to some concert or entertainment venue, you’re being preached to and marketed to with all sorts of emotional hooks, not only in political ways, but in lifestyle ways.  And lifestyle is always about theology, what you believe about yourself, God, others, how you should spend your money, and so on.  And even in the workplace or at school or college, especially in today’s disgustingly politically correct, social justice warrior environment, theology and ethics are bound up in the policies about your speech and conduct, in the school or the company’s “vision” that you’re asked to buy into, or in all the buzzwords that are repeated.

Therefore, there is a way of understanding life and spirituality and what’s good and bad that is inherent in all of these things. And that understanding is largely laced with ideas that despise God’s Word.  Don’t be deceived.  In this present and increasing darkness, hearing the preaching of God’s Word once a week is, at best, a bare minimum.

Jesus makes it very clear that we should take the danger of the world’s false preaching very seriously when He says, “Beware of false prophets.”  That word “Beware” is the equivalent of a road sign with flashing red lights.  “Danger!” “Watch out!”  His warning is to be taken seriously because the dangers and threats are very real and have eternal consequences.

That road sign Jesus gives is a reminder that there are two paths that you can take in this world, but only one leads to life.  The road that leads to destruction is wide and broad and man, it just feels right; and it is the path that most people are taking.  It is the way of pleasing people rather than pleasing God, the path of loving yourself more than Him.  You’ve heard the preachers of this path.  They tell you to do what brings you self-fulfillment, to search for and connect with your “inner light,” whatever the heck that is!  And my favorite ones to despise are, “just believe in yourself,” and “look into your heart.”  Yeesh!

God’s Word says, “The heart is deceitful and desperately sick” (Jeremiah 17:9).  Jesus Himself said, “From within, out of the heart…come wickedness and deceit” (Mark 7:21-22).  Your own heart is a raging dumpster fire and is the LAST place to be looking for truth.  Still, like drivers ignoring a “Bridge Out” sign, people take this broad road and are led over the edge to their destruction.

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Beware, then, of being lured off the narrow way of Jesus.  You know you’re being tempted by the spirit of false prophecy when your biggest fear is being accused of being judgmental; or when you tell yourself that it’s not your place to speak up, to speak the truth in love, even to a close friend or family member who needs to be called to repentance and faith in Christ.  No, you better just keep the peace and not rock the boat and hope that they’ll magically return to Christ apart from His spoken Word.  But all you’re doing by that is showing that you love God less than you love your relationships with those people.  And in fact, it’s not really showing love to those people at all, for you ignore unrepentant sin which invites God’s judgment on them.

Beware of false prophets.  They may look like fine, pious, upstanding people, but inwardly, Jesus says, they are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.  The devil comes as an angel of light, as something good, and so do false preachers.  The thing that makes the lie powerful is that it masquerades as the truth.  Jeremiah said that false prophets, be they men or women, speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of God.  They don’t preach the truth God has given them in His Word, but what the people want to hear.  They preach their own dreams and their own wisdom.  They are without the true teaching of Christ, in which alone there is salvation.

And that, dear fellow redeemed, is ultimately how to tell false prophets from true ones – not by the wonders they can do or how successful they are, not even by how loving they are – but by what they teach, whether it is the pure Law and Gospel of Scripture or something else.  I’ve had people comment to me about how packed this Lutheran megachurch is or that non-denominational or Assembly of God church is.  The implication is that they must be doing something good and be blessed by God to have those numbers.

But remember Elijah who thought he was the only one left who worshiped the Lord in his day.  The Baal worshipers had all the numbers.  God reminded Elijah that still He reserved 7000 faithful among the hundreds and hundreds of thousands in Israel who worshiped the spirit of the age.  Remember what Jesus says, “By their fruit you will know them.”  The fruit refers not to their deeds which can be deceiving, but to their doctrine.  What spiritual food do they offer?  What do they hold forth for your souls to feast upon?  I John 4 says, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  It is written in 2 John, “Whoever does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God.”  “By their fruits you will know them.

So in the midst of all the religion talk, ask yourself: is the focus on me praising God, or is it on Christ and what He has done for me and given to me?  Is it about how I can have a better life in this world and find self-fulfillment through my own spirituality, or is it about how I can have a new life in Jesus solely through His suffering and death and resurrection?

And if you want to know whether a teacher is true or false, consider this: Does he direct you to the shifting sands of your own decisions and commitments – like an altar call where you come down to give your heart to Jesus – or does he direct you to the solid rock of Christ’s commitment to you and His sure baptismal promise which He gives you?  Does he direct you to your own efforts and works as a way of gaining eternal life or saving you from purgatory, or does he direct you always to the all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ on the cross?  Does he only speak of things in mystical, inward, spiritual terms, or does he emphasize the concrete realities of the faith, that Christ took on your flesh and blood as a true man, that He was raised from the dead in the body, that He comes to you now with His true, real body and blood for your forgiveness in the Sacrament, that you will be raised bodily on the Last Day?

Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”  You’ll note that the false prophets in today’s Gospel were focused on their own works.  “Lord did we not prophesy and cast out demons and do many wonders in your name?”  They were talking about what they did!  But the will of the Father is all wrapped up and centered not in what we have done but in Christ and what He has done.  He is the one who does the will of the Father perfectly for you.  He is the One who prayed to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will but Yours be done.”  The will of the Father was that Jesus go to the cross to suffer and die as the ransom price to redeem and save you.  The will of the Father for you is that you be saved, that you trust in Christ and cling to Him alone for redemption and follow Him day by day in the callings into which He has placed you.

In John 6:39 Jesus says, “This is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”  That is what it means to do the will of the Father: to cling to Christ as the way of life, to believe in Him and stake your life on Him.  He alone is the way into the kingdom of heaven, He who is fully God and fully man, made flesh, who was crucified, resurrected, and ascended for the salvation of sinners.  The will of God is fulfilled in Jesus for you.

So beware of preachers who teach something different than the faithful pattern of Scriptural words that you’ve been given in the Catechism and the Creeds.  Learn these things by heart; make them part of your cell structure; carry them with you as a defense against the world’s false preaching and the world’s enticements.  Beware of those who cast aside the liturgy for something supposedly better and more contemporary, whose teaching doesn’t square with the words of divine service and the preaching that you hear in this place.  Even if you can’t quite put your finger on what’s wrong, just flee from them.  And flee to Christ.  Take refuge in Him, give attention to His words.  Living in the gift of your baptism, follow that narrow way of Him who is Way, the Truth, and the Life.  In Him you are safe.

Jesus is not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  He is the reverse; He subverts the devil’s ways.  He is a sheep in wolves’ clothing.  He is the pure Lamb of God who allowed Himself to be cloaked in darkness and sin at Golgotha in order to put them to death in His body, so that you would be delivered from all evil.  The wolf has been conquered.  Sin, death, and the devil have been undone for you.  Believing in Christ by God’s gift of faith, taking refuge in Him, you are saved and safe forever from all the lying anti-Gospels that are out there.  Even when your heart and your feelings say otherwise, you belong to Him still; He will never leave you or forsake you.  Nothing in all creation can separate you from His love.

Come, then, to the holy tree and receive the holy fruit of His blood and His body, which cleanses you of your sin and gives you everlasting life.  By His fruits you will know Him.

In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.